Wednesday 22 May 2013

On A Go Slow

So last night I felt crappie cos of that cake and then I started with an allergy ... Couldn't stop sneezing , my nose was so itchy and my eyes sore. I had to take two antihistamines to calm it. So this morning when I woke up .... I didn't feel with it at all... Totally drugged up. So been on quite a go slow most the day. 

 This morning our gardener came to help me with the garden. Then this afternoon, I popped to Starbucks to do some studying. We have one in the next village to us.... which is great. I just had a couple of decaf Americanos ....

Been drinking lots of water... hopefully I will feel more with it tomorrow.

A few photos from today. I am loving the Beautifulmess iPhone app :)

Mint growing in our garden - great for fresh mint tea

made this at lunchtime

decaf Americano at Starbucks


  1. love fresh fruit salad and starbucks

  2. what is the beautiful mess app?

    feel better! xxxx

  3. It doesn't matter what time of day it is, when I see a steaming cup of coffee, I totally want one. Love that iphone app, what is it called?
    Hope you start feeling better soon.

  4. That fruit's looking pretty delicious!
