Wednesday 15 May 2013

Whole 30 Recap

So... I did it.... :) It's a good job I was more focused at sticking to the Whole 30 than I was blogging about it hahahahaha...

I am feeling great... I think the first few days were tough... but once the cravings had subsided, it felt fabulous.

 I have enjoyed eating like this.... so much so that I have decided to carry on.  If we eat out, I may order some lentils, chickpeas and rice but I intend to stick to the Whole 30 way of eating at home. There is no reason not to really.  When something makes you feel so good....why change it? I haven't had this much energy and felt in such a good place in a long time.  I often think, I have actually never felt like this before. It just goes to show exactly how important it is what we put in our body. 

I feel I have learnt a great deal about food and nutrition during this journey.  Reading lots of food labels is definitely educational.  Also I want to mention Dallas & Melissa Hartwig's book here It Starts With Food

I learnt so much from this book and it was very motivating too. An essential read when doing The Whole 30.

You can also sign up HERE for daily emails to help you during the 30 days.  There is also lots of helpful information on the site too

Since the age of 14 I have had such an unhealthy relationship with food - I shall write about this another time... but for the first time ever, I feel this has changed. 

My total weightloss during the 30 days is 12 pounds which is great :) I want to lose another 7 pounds before we go to Kefalonia at the end of August. 


  1. Congratulations on your stick-tu-it-tude and the new way of life (eating). It's nice to hear you're feeling the positive effects.

  2. Well done on the weight loss, that's great xx

  3. Well done on finishing the Whole30! I did it in January and really enjoyed it, and et about 80% paleo currently. I do think I might have another go at it in the coming months!

    1. Thanks Ffion. I do love eating like this xx

  4. Congrats of sticking with it!

  5. Its good to see you sticking with something. It will help anyone else who reads to do the same!

    1. Thanks Heather... I hope it does help others too xx
