Friday 26 April 2013

Whole 30 Days 10, 11 & 12

Can't believe today is day 12 - only a few more days and I will be half way through.
I have already started to think which foods I will reintroduce after the 30 days.  I am definitely NOT reintroducing wheat and dairy.  I think both of those are big culprits for many things - mood swings, bloating, cravings, over eating.
Being a Yogini, I am very much drawn towards Yoga's sister science - Ayurveda. Last night I cooked an Ayurvedic Mixed Vegetable Subji. Per Ayurveda this has tridoshic energetics. It balances Agni and is laxative . A good food for bones and joints ;) It was delicious too

I finished the left overs of it (not very Ayurvedic as the rule is fresh food only) on my salad this lunch time ... Yummie. I got the recipe from this excellent book.

So to be able to eat in an Ayurvedic way, I am going to have to reintroduce rice and lentils and beans... I am going to see how I feel about this nearer the time and if I do, I will monitor the effects of this on my body. 

So I have been fairly crap... Or rather very lazy at taking photos of my food over the past few days but these are some of my meals which I did photograph.

We went out to eat this evening which was nice.  The only place I could think of which would have something on the menu I could eat was Roosters at Morley Hayes .

 I ordered the seafood salad.  The only things on the plate I couldn't eat was the bread with salmon and dill mousse and the beetroot ( as it was pickled in malt vinegar and that comtains gluten) I also asked for no Marie Rose sauce. 

My plate at the end :)

I am on day 4 of Deva Premal's and Miten's Mantra Meditation.  It is never too late to sign up. You can do so Here

It's so beautiful and as Miten says - we always remember to fees the body but very often forget to feed the soul and nourish our inner space. Mantra is soul food

The mantras so far :

Day 1 OM
Day 2 OM Shanti OM
Day 3 OM Gan Ganapataye Namah
day 4 Aham Prema

Still feeling great and looking forward to the weekend :) 


  1. I have never gone without dairy, but I suspect you're right and it would have numerous benefits if I could give it a go. Congrats on your progress thus far!

    1. dairy these days is not good especially as the inject so many antibiotics etc in to cows.
      thank you hunnie xx

  2. Thanks for sharing, this post is so helpful to me as a person who lives with autoimmune disorders. I'm pretty sure that eliminating things like wheat, dairy and gluten would help out .

    1. Thank Monica. It would indeed - there is a whole section on autoimmune disorders in the Whole 30 book. they really recommend it xx

  3. The pictures of the food you post look so delicious! Congrats for all the your hard work to make this happen.

    1. thank you hunnie
      it something I have to do...i need to rest my body and get rid of my unhealthy cravings xx
