Monday 22 April 2013

Whole 30 days 5, 6 & 7

Yay today is day 8.... 
Not had chance to blog... Been a very busy weekend.  I am training to become a Yoga Teacher.  It was the course all this weekend. I only have 3 more weekends left to til the end of my course .... It's kind of scary .... I need to start to think about setting my classes up etc.... It's exciting but frightening at the same time. 

Food wise all three days have gone well. Day 5 looked like this 

Day 6 looked like this - I didn't take photo of my evening meal as it was just left over salmon and sweet potato fries.  I bought some coconut on the way home from training.  I suddenly started to feel stressed and so knew I could easily eat badly... The coconut snack put a stop to this :)

Day 7 looked like this

Yep just the one photo... Didn't take one of my lunch... It was just salad, some nuts and fruit.  But none of this for me this weekend.

  I haven't eaten anything for dinner - just not hungry.  I do find I am not finding the need to eat as much. I guess it is cos when i do eat, I am eating nutrient rich food. 

My day at Yoga Teacher Training was really tough.... Physically, mentally and emotionally. I got really emotional during relaxation. The tears seem to come up out of nowhere. I was fine and then the next minute the tears were rolling down my face.  When we were brought up to sitting, that was it.... I seem to totally let go and cried and cried. It's good to let go and cry though.... I actually felt much much better for doing so. It happened in such a loving and caring environment. 
We have done a lot of physical practice this weekend. 

My aim this over the next 7 days is to try different things .... I feel my meals seem to be a bit all same-ie ... I need new ideas.... I am gonna do some research


  1. Wow congrats. Those are great skin friendly foods. I just started reading a book on foods that are supposed to help your complexion and those omega 3 foods are great for that, and congrats on your Yoga instructor training! Stopping by from the Lady Bloggers Network!

    Heather from Mommy Only Has 2 Hands

    1. ah fab. that book sounds interesting. what is it called.
      thank you xxxx

  2. Bravo! I've tried to do Paleo a couple of times. It is hard. Really hard I find. Your meals look fantastic - healthy and full of colour and nutrients. You're doing great!

    1. Once you get into it... it is not too bad. the first few days can be tough...
      thank you hunnie xx

  3. Your comment about the emotions bubbling over made me smile because I had the same thing happen yesterday when I was working out, and I'm not even feeling emotional about anything! :)

    Lots of luck w/your continued journey. It's nice that you're surrounded by support.

    1. its good to let it out and cry at times :)
      thank you hunnie xx

  4. Good luck on becoming a yoga teacher!! How exciting I used to go to yoga and loved it I should probably get back into it as its probably a form of exercise I could still do gently. xx

  5. Good luck, i know you can do this.
