Monday 29 April 2013

Whole 30 Day 15

Yay today is day 15 which means I am half way through The Whole 30.
Time is flying by...
I wasn't hungry first thing and so didn't have any breakfast.
I went to Sainsbury's to do our weekly shop.
I bought more veg this time and less fruit.  The fruit I did buy was mainly berries.  I have some fruit to eat up and then I am reducing the amount and increasing the amount of veg. 
I made this salad for my lunch

then for dinner tonight I decided to cook some carrot subji to have with my salmon

from this book

it has garlic, chilli, ginger, coriander, coconut, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, ghee and carrot in it 

So this is what I had for dinner

Salmon, carrot subji and mushrooms

I also made these today

I struggled to get them to set in the fridge and so I popped them in the freezer.  They are a bit icy at the moment but should have thawed to the right consistency by tomorrow.  They are in the fridge now. 

Looking forward to another week of Whole 30/Paleo 


  1. I thought your salad had strawberries in it at first! All looks yummy xx

    1. Hahaha it did.... Two as I had them to eat up and so decided to put them in my salad
      Thank you xx

  2. that all looks sooo amazing <3

  3. looks yummy.. Thanks for sharing
